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Getting to know yourself better so that you can be where you belong thanks to a skills assessment

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Skills assessment for expat spouses

with the Coherence Method

created by Elodie Bardot

It's possible to be an expatriate spouse and take charge of your own life!

Méthode Cohérence - Bilan de Compétences Logo

The Coherence method is much more than a traditional skills assessment. It's a 360° life assessment that reviews your personal and professional life. If you want to give meaning to your life, unleash your full potential and find your personal/professional life balance, wherever you are on earth, then the Coherence Method skills assessment will meet your expectations.

This is an innovative personal development method that is unique in the French-speaking world.

This support programme is aimed at those accompanying people on international mobility who want to think about how to make the most of this break abroad AND at all those who want to prepare for their return to their country of origin without apprehension.

This programme is for you if :

A compass for your life as an expatriate
  • After your adaptation period in your host country, you are free to take time to reflect on your future and build your own project

  • your host country does not allow you to practise your original profession and you are thinking about the opportunities open to you during this time abroad.

  • Your family has settled in and so has your routine, but you still don't feel satisfied with your new life. You're missing a part of your life in which you can flourish

  • desires and ideas cross your mind. They're too vague for you to decide to take the plunge. You need support to help you have a clear vision of your project

  • in the checklist for your return from your expatriation, alongside the boxes and administrative formalities, there's also the heading "preparing my professional return".

  • After your period of expatriation, you're back in your home country and finding a job seems a challenge. You realise that you and your country have changed.

  • You want to assess your professional and personal skills, define a new career plan or decide whether to resume your career in your home country.

  • You see your curriculum vitae as a Swiss cheese because you took a career break to follow your partner and don't know how to make the most of your experience and skills acquired abroad.

You would like to carry out a skills assessment - Méthode cohérence to build on your experience abroad and reposition yourself in a positive way on the job market, whether in your host country or in your home country. in your country of origin

  • without having to take 1000 psychometric tests

  • without feeling pigeonholed

  • without having to go to a vocational rehabilitation counsellor

  • without waiting until your children are old enough to think about your working life.


The skills assessment - Méthode cohérence - will enable you to make the most of the skills you developed abroad, reflect on your career plan and adapt to the new realities of the local market, while boosting your self-confidence to make a successful transition.

Why should you choose the Cohérence Method?

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Accompany your spouse on their international mobility

Carrying out a skills assessment - the Coherence Method - during an expatriation can be a rewarding and beneficial process. Often, accompanying your partner on an expatriation involves major changes in your own career and professional plans. Here's how the Skills Assessment can help in your situation:

  • Taking stock of your skills and aspirations: During your expatriation, you may have put your career on hold or faced challenges in practising your profession in the new country. The Skills Assessment - Coherence Method will help you to become aware of your skills and strengths, as well as your professional aspirations, so that you can better define your career plan.

  • Identify local opportunities: In a new country, professional opportunities may be different from those in your country of origin. The Skills Assessment - Coherence Method will help you to better understand the local job market, the growth sectors and the skills in demand, making it easier to adapt and find a job.

  • Identifying local opportunities: In a new country, job opportunities may be different from those in your home country. The Skills Assessment - Coherence Method will help you gain a better understanding of the local job market, promising sectors and the skills in demand, making it easier to adapt and find a job.

  • Exploring new perspectives : An expatriation can be an opportunity to consider career changes or to explore new areas of interest. The Skills Assessment - Coherence Method will enable you to explore different professional and personal options to broaden your horizons and seize new opportunities.

  • Building confidence and self-esteem: Living abroad can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation and uncertainty about your future. The Skills Assessment - Coherence Method can help you boost your self-confidence by highlighting your past skills and achievements, and clarifying your goals for the future.

  • Preparing for your return: The Skills Assessment - Méthode cohérence can also help you prepare for your return to your home country after your expatriation. It will help you to think about the best way of re-entering the job market and making the most of your experience abroad.

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The Skills Assessment - Coherence Method is a valuable tool for people returning from an expatriation who wish to find a job in their country of origin. The expatriation experience can have had a profound impact on a person's professional and personal career, and the Skills Assessment - Coherence Method enables you to take stock of what you have learnt, the skills you have developed and your new aspirations.

Here's how the skills assessment - Méthode cohérence can benefit you on your return from expatriation:

  • Valuing skills acquired abroad: Expatriation often offers a variety of opportunities for professional and personal development, such as the acquisition of language and intercultural skills, or adaptability to different environments. The Skills Assessment - Coherence Method highlights these specific skills, which can be invaluable to employers in the country of origin.

  • Reflecting on your post-expatriation career plan: After an expatriation, your career goals may change. The Skills Assessment - Coherence Method helps you to think about the new directions you want to take, the areas of interest that have emerged during your expatriation and the career possibilities you want to explore on your return.

  • Adapting to the local job market : The job market in your country of origin may have changed during your absence, and the Skills Assessment - Coherence Method enables you to update yourself on current trends, in-demand skills and professional opportunities.

  • Confidence and self-esteem: Returning from an expatriation can be unsettling, and some people may feel a loss of self-confidence. The Skills Assessment - Coherence Method helps you to become aware of your strengths and achievements, boosting your self-esteem and motivation to tackle this new stage of your life with confidence.


In short, the Skills Assessment - Méthode cohérence offers you a unique opportunity to make the most of your expatriation experience and to reposition yourself positively in the job market on your return. It enables you to make the most of the skills you developed abroad, reflect on your career plan and adapt to the new realities of the local market, while building the self-confidence you need to make a successful transition.

Returning from your expatriation

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What does this programme include?

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The conversion package - 19 hours - €2,000

-2.5 months' support

8 hours of face-to-face meetings in Cologne or by videoconference

-11 hours of work on the training platform


The hatching formula - 24 hours - €3,000

-3 months' support

- 12 hours of face-to-face meetings in Cologne or by videoconference

-12 hours of work on the training platform

- 12 hours group coaching with Élodie Bardot - founder of the Cohérence Method

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How can you finance your skills assessment?

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Because this skills assessment is considered to be Qualiopi-certified training, there are several funding solutions available to you depending on your situation, even if you are a French national living abroad

  • With your CPF account.

The Personal Training Account (CPF) enables anyone who has worked in France to acquire training rights, whether you are an employee in the public or private sector, self-employed or a job seeker.

The CPF is funded to the tune of €500 per year worked, up to a maximum of €5,000.

This account belongs to you, which means that you can use it throughout your professional life, whether you are working or unemployed.

As the Méthode Cohérence skills assessment has obtained Qualiopi certification, it is eligible for funding with your CPF.


  • With Pôle Emploi :

Vocational training falls within the remit of the French regions. The Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Labour, Pôle Emploi and the regions of France have signed an agreement and set up a specific scheme to enable French applicants living abroad to enrol for vocational training leading to qualifications in France. Your consulate will welcome you and put you in touch with Pôle Emploi, the operator chosen by the government to provide this service. The regions then provide the funding.

Find out more

With your company or your spouse's company: the role of the OPCOs is to finance vocational training.

This applies to employees, the self-employed, public servants, apprentices and company directors.



Agefice manages the funds generated by the collection of the Contribution à la Formation Professionnelle and the financing of training courses for company directors and their spouses or partners.

Subject to certain conditions, beneficiaries can apply to Agefice for an individual envelope of financial assistance for eligible training courses.

It is also possible to apply for Agéfice/CPF co-financing.


With your own funds:

You don't have or no longer have a CPF? Are you a jobseeker? Your company cannot finance your assessment?

Because we're committed to helping you, you can take advantage of a commercial discount for 100% equity financing.

To find out more: content, testimonials, prices and possible financing, please visit the coherence method website.

Eligible for the CPF professional training account
Qualiopi certified skills assessment
Skills assessment financed by Pôle Emploi
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From my own experience and from talking to my clients, I realise that the central question that almost all spouses-followers ask themselves at one time or another is how to build their own project, whether expatriating or elsewhere. Without it, you could be living in a place that seems heavenly to those back home, but still not feel fulfilled or happy.

Whatever you decide to do in terms of retraining or even to take advantage of this experience abroad to devote yourself to your children, the important thing is that you have made a conscious decision about the direction you now want to take your life in.

Completing this skills assessment will give you the opportunity to carry out a 360° assessment on both a professional AND personal level.

By becoming a certified coach of the Coherence method, I joined a dynamic team led by experts such as Elodie Bardot. Our passion and commitment to personal and professional development are at the heart of our mission

Together, we help our customers find their way, define their goals and realise their deepest aspirations.

Why should you trust me?

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Here are the main questions an expatriate spouse may have about skills assessment:

  • How can I make the most of my expatriation experience in my career?

Expatriate spouses often wonder how they can make the most of the skills they acquired during their expatriation and adapt them to the requirements of the job market in their home country.

  • What local career opportunities match my skills and aspirations?

Expatriate spouses may be confronted with changes in the job market in their home country during their absence. They are looking for information on promising sectors, available positions and career transition opportunities.

  • How can I overcome any gaps in my career path linked to expatriation?

Some expatriate spouses may have taken a career break or encountered difficulties in practising their profession abroad. They may be wondering how to fill these gaps and reposition themselves in the local job market.

  • How can I reconcile my professional and personal life after expatriation?

Expatriate spouses may wish to rebalance their professional and personal lives after expatriation. They ask questions about flexible working options, entrepreneurial opportunities or other working arrangements suited to their situation.

  • How can I make the most of my expatriation experience in my career?

Expatriate spouses often wonder how they can make the most of the skills they acquired during their expatriation and adapt them to the requirements of the job market in their home country.

  • What local career opportunities match my skills and aspirations?

Expatriate spouses may be confronted with changes in the job market in their home country during their absence. They are looking for information on promising sectors, available positions and career transition opportunities.

  • How can I overcome any gaps in my career path linked to expatriation?

Some expatriate spouses may have taken a career break or encountered difficulties in practising their profession abroad. They may be wondering how to fill these gaps and reposition themselves in the local job market.

  • How can I reconcile my professional and personal life after expatriation?

Expatriate spouses may wish to rebalance their professional and personal lives after expatriation. They ask questions about flexible working options, entrepreneurial opportunities or other working arrangements suited to their situation.

  • What tools and resources are available to help me with my skills assessment?

With the Coherence Method, you have access to over 20 hours of training on subjects such as procrastination, self-confidence, research avenues for your professional future, etc....


  • How can I manage the emotions linked to my expatriation and my skills assessment?

Expatriation or returning home can give rise to emotions such as uncertainty, anxiety and nostalgia.As your coach, I can help you learn to cope with these emotions and maintain a positive attitude.

  • Is it possible to get funding for a skills assessment as a French citizen living abroad?

There are several solutions depending on your situation.I invite you to reread the paragraph dedicated to funding a skills assessment.


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Dessine Ta vie Coaching offers support for expatriate spouses and young people living abroad.

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